All the photos below are taken by Dr. Zhu and Dr. Zhu's practice, posted for the purpose of education , all rights reserved.
Uveitis is inflammation inside the eye. Uveitis can cause severe eye pain, redness, sensitivity to light, decrease of the vision. It affects the part of the eye called the uvea and often other parts of the eye as well. It can be acute and chronic condition, can come back again after recovery. Uveitis can cause vision loss if left untreated, see your eye doctor right away if you have symptoms.
There are different types of uveitis, Anterior uveitis , Intermediate , Posterior uveitis, Panuveitis.
Sometimes uveitis is associate with autoimmune diseases, like: Ankylosing spondylitis , Behcet’s disease , Lupus Multiple sclerosis ,Rheumatoid arthritis , Sarcoidosis. Sometimes it’s caused by an infection, like: Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Reactive arthritis , Shingles Syphilis, Toxoplasmosis. Uveitis needs to be treated immediately to avoid complications.
Anterior Uveitis
Anterior uveitis affects the iris at the front part of the eye. It’s the most common type of uveitis. The pupil margin fully or partially adheres to the lens because of the inflammation, cause change of the pupil shape, like keyhole or other irregular shapes. The patients need the pupil dilation to break the adhesion, and treat with steroid.